1 // Source File Name:   DoubleHelix.java
    3 import java.applet.Applet;
    4 import java.awt.*;
    5 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    7 public class DoubleHelix extends Applet
    8     implements Runnable
    9 {
   11     public void init()
   12     {
   13         appletDim = size();
   14         cFlag = 0;
   15         lpaint = 0;
   16         yOffset = 38;
   17         currentAngle = 0;
   18         nAngleBase = 0;
   19         countD = 0;
   20         vOffset = 0;
   21         resize(appletDim.width, appletDim.height);
   22         image1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "transmission.jpg");
   23         tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
   24         tracker.addImage(image1, 0);
   25         String s = getParameter("licencedUser");
   26         if(!s.equals("melt@subtle.net"))
   27             return;
   28         s = getParameter("creator");
   29         if(!s.equals("(c)daemn1/99:aeon@iaccess.com.au"))
   30         {
   31             return;
   32         } else
   33         {
   34         //So the string is taken from the parameter to show it's an interdependnet system.
   35         //Also, it's the same system of authorizing that they use to control access; HCV authenticates in this way.
   36         //A piece of code from the outside interpolated into the machine code.
   37             textString = getParameter("textString");
   38             setBackground(bGround);
   39             image = createImage(appletDim.width, appletDim.height);
   40             offscreen = image.getGraphics();
   41             offscreen.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 12));
   42             offscreen.setColor(bGround);
   43             offscreen.fillRect(0, 0, appletDim.width, appletDim.height);
   44             return;
   45         }
   46     }
   48     public void start()
   49     {
   50         if(DHelix == null)
   51         {
   52             DHelix = new Thread(this);
   53             DHelix.setPriority(6);
   54             DHelix.start();
   55         }
   56     }
   58     public void run()
   59     {
   60         do
   61             try
   62             {
   63                 if(tracker.checkID(0, true))
   64                 {
   65                     yOffset -= 3;
   66                     if(yOffset < 8)
   67                     {
   68                         yOffset = 38;
   69                         currentAngle = (currentAngle + 21) % 360;
   70                         makeDna();
   71                         if(countD-- < 1)
   72                             addCString();
   73                     }
   74                     plotXHelix();
   75                     setYOffset();
   76                     HelixPaint();
   77                 } else
   78                 {
   79                     loadpaint();
   80                 }
   81                 repaint();
   82                 Thread.sleep(0L);
   83             }
   84             catch(InterruptedException _ex) { }
   85         while(true);
   86     }
   88     public void paint(Graphics g)
   89     {
   90         g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
   91     }
   93     public void update(Graphics g)
   94     {
   95         paint(g);
   96     }
   98     public void loadpaint()
   99     {
  100         offscreen.setColor(Color.black);
  101         offscreen.fillRect(0, 0, 230, 290);
  102         offscreen.setColor(Color.red);
  103         if(lpaint == 0)
  104             offscreen.drawString("transmitting", 100, 280);
  105         if(lpaint == 1)
  106             offscreen.drawString("transmitting.", 100, 280);
  107         if(lpaint == 2)
  108             offscreen.drawString("transmitting..", 100, 280);
  109         if(lpaint == 3)
  110         {
  111             offscreen.drawString("transmitting...", 100, 280);
  112             lpaint = -1;
  113         }
  114         lpaint++;
  115     }
  117     public void stop()
  118     {
  119         if(DHelix != null)
  120         {
  121             DHelix.stop();
  122             DHelix = null;
  123         }
  124     }
  126     public void plotXHelix()
  127     {
  128         nAngleBase = (currentAngle + 21) % 360;
  129         for(int plotLoop = 0; plotLoop < 10; plotLoop++)
  130         {
  131             DNAarray[plotLoop] = (int)(32D * Math.sin((double)currentAngle * 0.017500000000000002D));
  132             currentAngle = (currentAngle + 21) % 360;
  133         }
  135         currentAngle = nAngleBase;
  136     }
  138     public void setYOffset()
  139     {
  140         if(currentAngle < 45)
  141         {
  142             vOffset = 0;
  143             return;
  144         }
  145         if(currentAngle < 90)
  146         {
  147             vOffset = 1;
  148             return;
  149         }
  150         if(currentAngle < 135)
  151         {
  152             vOffset = 2;
  153             return;
  154         }
  155         if(currentAngle < 180)
  156         {
  157             vOffset = 1;
  158             return;
  159         }
  160         if(currentAngle < 225)
  161         {
  162             vOffset = 0;
  163             return;
  164         }
  165         if(currentAngle < 270)
  166         {
  167             vOffset = -1;
  168             return;
  169         }
  170         if(currentAngle < 315)
  171         {
  172             vOffset = -2;
  173             return;
  174         } else
  175         {
  176             vOffset = -1;
  177             return;
  178         }
  179     }
  181     public void HelixPaint()
  182     {
  183         offscreen.drawImage(image1, 0, 0, this);
  184         for(int plotLoop = 0; plotLoop < 9; plotLoop++)
  185         {
  186             xPlus = 100 + DNAarray[plotLoop];
  187             xMinus = 100 - DNAarray[plotLoop];
  188             ySet = 30 * plotLoop + yOffset;
  189             if(plotLoop != 8)
  190             {
  191                 offscreen.setColor(lStrand);
  192                 offscreen.drawLine(xPlus - 1, ySet, (100 + DNAarray[plotLoop + 1]) - 1, 30 * (plotLoop + 1) + yOffset);
  193                 offscreen.drawLine(xPlus + 1, ySet, 100 + DNAarray[plotLoop + 1] + 1, 30 * (plotLoop + 1) + yOffset);
  194                 offscreen.setColor(rStrand);
  195                 offscreen.drawLine(xMinus - 1, ySet, 100 - DNAarray[plotLoop + 1] - 1, 30 * (plotLoop + 1) + yOffset);
  196                 offscreen.drawLine(xMinus + 1, ySet, (100 - DNAarray[plotLoop + 1]) + 1, 30 * (plotLoop + 1) + yOffset);
  197             }
  198             offscreen.setColor(dnaLine);
  199             offscreen.drawLine(xPlus, (ySet + vOffset) - 1, xMinus, ySet - vOffset - 1);
  200             offscreen.drawLine(xPlus, ySet + vOffset + 1, xMinus, (ySet - vOffset) + 1);
  201             parseDNAStr(plotLoop);
  202             offscreen.setColor(spherez);
  203             offscreen.fillOval(xPlus - 7, ySet - 7, 14, 14);
  204             offscreen.setColor(lStrand);
  205             offscreen.drawString(myLChar, xPlus - 4, ySet + 4);
  206             offscreen.setColor(spherez);
  207             offscreen.fillOval(xMinus - 7, ySet - 7, 14, 14);
  208             offscreen.setColor(rStrand);
  209             offscreen.drawString(myRChar, xMinus - 4, ySet + 4);
  210             if(cFlag != 1)
  211                 offscreen.setColor(Color.yellow);
  212             else
  213                 offscreen.setColor(rText);
  214             offscreen.drawString(myLChar, 185, ySet);
  215             offscreen.drawString(myRChar, 15, ySet);
  216         }
  218     }
  220     public void parseDNAStr(int pos)
  221     { //we see double-encoding here
  222         cFlag = 0;
  223         String gChar = dnaStr.substring(pos, pos + 1);
  224         if(gChar.equals("#"))
  225         {
  226             myLChar = "a";
  227             myRChar = "t";
  228             return;
  229         }
  230         if(gChar.equals("$"))
  231         {
  232             myLChar = "t";
  233             myRChar = "a";
  234             return;
  235         }
  236         if(gChar.equals("%"))
  237         {
  238             myLChar = "g";
  239             myRChar = "c";
  240             return;
  241         }
  242         if(gChar.equals("^"))
  243         {
  244             myLChar = "c";
  245             myRChar = "g";
  246             return;
  247         } else
  248         {
  249             cFlag = 1;
  250             myLChar = gChar;
  251             myRChar = gChar;
  252             return;
  253         }
  254     }
  256     public void addCString()
  257     {
  258         dnaStr = dnaStr.substring(0, textString.length() + 1) + textString;
  259         countD = textString.length() + 10 + (int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % 8;
  260     }
  262     public void makeDna()
  263     {
  264         int val = (int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % 4;
  265         if(val == 0)
  266             dnaStr = dnaStr.substring(1) + "#";
  267         else
  268         if(val == 1)
  269             dnaStr = dnaStr.substring(1) + "$";
  270         else
  271         if(val == 2)
  272             dnaStr = dnaStr.substring(1) + "%";
  273         else
  274         if(val == 3)
  275             dnaStr = dnaStr.substring(1) + "^";
  276     }
  278     private Color lookupRGBColor(String description, Color defaultColor)
  279     {
  280         try
  281         {
  282             StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(description, ",");
  283             int red = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
  284             int green = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
  285             int blue = Integer.parseInt(tokens.nextToken());
  286             return new Color(red, green, blue);
  287         }
  288         catch(Exception _ex)
  289         {
  290             return defaultColor;
  291         }
  292     }
  294     public Color convertColor(String colStr)
  295     {
  296         int rd = (Integer.valueOf(colStr, 16).intValue() & 0xff0000) >> 16;
  297         int gn = (Integer.valueOf(colStr, 16).intValue() & 0xff00) >> 8;
  298         int bl = Integer.valueOf(colStr, 16).intValue() & 0xff;
  299         return new Color(rd, gn, bl);
  300     }
  302     public DoubleHelix()
  303     {
  304         dnaStr = "#^%$^#%$^%$%#^%$%#^%$%#^^$%#$%$^##$%%$%^#^#%$^#^#%$#%^$%#%$^";
  305         cFlag = 0;
  306         textString = new String();
  307         lpaint = 0;
  308         yOffset = 38;
  309         bGround = Color.black;
  310         DNAarray = new int[36];
  311         currentAngle = 0;
  312         nAngleBase = 0;
  313         countD = 0;
  314         vOffset = 0;
  315         image1 = null;
  316     }
  318     Thread DHelix;
  319     Dimension appletDim;
  320     private String dnaStr;
  321     private final String Secure = "melt@subtle.net";
  322     private final String Creator = "(c)daemn1/99:aeon@iaccess.com.au";
  323     private final int xCenter = 100;
  324     private final int yCenter = 145;
  325     private final int circle = 360;
  326     private int cFlag;
  327     private final int rad = 32;
  328     private final int appRate = 125;
  329     private final int iNodes = 9;
  330     private final int aglStep = 21;
  331     private final int ydProg = 3;
  332     private final int nodePxDist = 30;
  333     private String textString;
  334     private final int textFromCen = 85;
  335     private int lpaint;
  336     private int yOffset;
  337     private final Color lStrand = new Color(0xcc0000);
  338     private final Color rStrand = new Color(13209);
  339     private final Color bGround;
  340     private final Color rText = new Color(52224);
  341     private final Color vText = new Color(34952);
  342     private final Color spherez = new Color(0x330033);
  343     private final Color dnaLine = new Color(0x222255);
  344     private int DNAarray[];
  345     private final double inc = 0.017500000000000002D;
  346     private int currentAngle;
  347     private int nAngleBase;
  348     private int countD;
  349     private int vOffset;
  350     private String myLChar;
  351     private String myRChar;
  352     private int xPlus;
  353     private int xMinus;
  354     private int ySet;
  355     Graphics offscreen;
  356     Image image;
  357     Image image1;
  358     MediaTracker tracker;
  359 }