1 // Decompiled by Jad v1.5.8c. Copyright 2001 Pavel Kouznetsov.
    2 // Jad home page: http://www.geocities.com/kpdus/jad.html
    3 // Decompiler options: packimports(3)
    4 // Source File Name:   LifePoet.java
    6 import java.applet.Applet;
    7 import java.awt.*;
    9 public class fear extends Applet
   10     implements Runnable
   11 {
   13     public void init()
   14     {
   15         tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
   16         firstGen = false;
   17         if(setting == 1)
   18         {
   19             image1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "love.gif");
   20             oneGen = Color.magenta;
   21             nextGen = Color.red;
   22         } else
   23         {
   24             image1 = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "fear.gif");
   25             oneGen = Color.green;
   26             nextGen = Color.blue;
   27         }
   28         image = createImage(390, 240);
   29         setBackground(Color.black);
   30         cWidth = 97;
   31         cHeight = 59;
   32         cSize = 4;
   33         cDensity = 1000;
   34         world = new LifeMatrix(cWidth, cHeight, cSize, cDensity);
   35         offscreen = image.getGraphics();
   36         loadpaint();
   37         repaint();
   38     }
   40     public void start()
   41     {
   42         if(lifeThread == null)
   43         {
   44             lifeThread = new Thread(this);
   45             lifeThread.start();
   46         }
   47     }
   49     public void stop()
   50     {
   51         lifeThread.stop();
   52         lifeThread = null;
   53     }
   55     public void run()
   56     {
   57         loadpaint();
   58         do
   59             try
   60             {
   61                 if(tracker.checkID(0, true))
   62                 {
   63                     world.generate();
   64                     paintGeneration();
   65                 } else
   66                 {
   67                     loadpaint();
   68                 }
   69                 Thread.sleep(0L);
   70             }
   71             catch(InterruptedException _ex) { }
   72         while(true);
   73     }
   75     public void loadpaint()
   76     {
   77         offscreen.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 12));
   78         offscreen.setColor(Color.red);
   79         if(lpaint == 0)
   80         {
   81             offscreen.setColor(Color.black);
   82             offscreen.fillRect(0, 0, 390, 240);
   83             offscreen.drawString("transmitting", 300, 230);
   84         }
   85         if(lpaint == 1)
   86             offscreen.drawString("transmitting.", 300, 230);
   87         if(lpaint == 2)
   88             offscreen.drawString("transmitting..", 300, 230);
   89         if(lpaint == 3)
   90         {
   91             offscreen.drawString("transmitting...", 300, 230);
   92             lpaint = -1;
   93         }
   94         lpaint++;
   95         repaint();
   96     }
   98     public void paint(Graphics g)
   99     {
  100         g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
  101     }
  103     public void update(Graphics g)
  104     {
  105         paint(g);
  106     }
  108     void paintGeneration()
  109     {
  110         offscreen.setColor(Color.black);
  111         offscreen.fillRect(0, 0, 390, 240);
  112         xWobble += (int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % 3 - 1;
  113         if(xWobble < 0)
  114             xWobble = 1;
  115         if(xWobble < 9)
  116             xWobble = 8;
  117         yWobble += (int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % 3 - 1;
  118         if(yWobble < 0)
  119             yWobble = 1;
  120         if(yWobble < 9)
  121             yWobble = 8;
  122         offscreen.drawImage(image1, xWobble, yWobble, this);
  123         for(int l = 0; l < cHeight; l++)
  124         {
  125             int j = l * cSize + margin;
  126             for(int k = 0; k < cWidth; k++)
  127             {
  128                 int i = k * cSize + margin;
  129                 if(world.grid[k][l] == 2)
  130                 {
  131                     offscreen.setColor(nextGen);
  132                     offscreen.fillOval(i, j, cSize, cSize);
  133                 } else
  134                 if(world.grid[k][l] == 1)
  135                 {
  136                     offscreen.setColor(oneGen);
  137                     offscreen.fillOval(i, j, cSize, cSize);
  138                 }
  139             }
  141         }
  143         if(mCount > 3)
  144         {
  145             fontSize = (int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % 8 + 12;
  146             offscreen.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 1, fontSize));
  147             if(setting == 0)
  148                 oString = fear[(int)(Math.random() * 1111D) % fear.length];
  149             if(setting == 1)
  150                 oString = love[(int)(Math.random() * 1111D) % love.length];
  151             mCount = 0;
  152             if(setting == 1)
  153                 pInk = tableLove[(int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % tableLove.length];
  154             else
  155                 pInk = tableFear[(int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % tableFear.length];
  156             FontMetrics fontmetrics = offscreen.getFontMetrics();
  157             stringWidth = fontmetrics.stringWidth(oString);
  158             str_x = (int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % (390 - stringWidth);
  159             str_y = (int)(Math.random() * 1000D) % 210 + 22;
  160         }
  161         mCount++;
  162         offscreen.setColor(Color.black);
  163         offscreen.drawString(oString, str_x + 1, str_y + 1);
  164         offscreen.drawString(oString, str_x + 2, str_y + 2);
  165         offscreen.setColor(pInk);
  166         offscreen.drawString(oString, str_x, str_y);
  167         if(firstGen)
  168         {
  169             offscreen.setColor(Color.black);
  170             offscreen.fillRect(0, 0, 390, 240);
  171             firstGen = false;
  172             return;
  173         } else
  174         {
  175             repaint();
  176             return;
  177         }
  178     }
  180     public fear()
  181     {
  182         oString = new String();
  183         setting = 0;
  184         mCount = 4;
  185         lpaint = 0;
  186         xWobble = 5;
  187         yWobble = 5;
  188         lifeThread = null;
  189         str_x = 0;
  190         str_y = 0;
  191         fontSize = 0;
  192         image1 = null;
  193         tableLove = (new Color[] {
  194             Color.orange, new Color(0x4169e1), new Color(0xc0c0c0), Color.red, new Color(0x800080), new Color(0xdc143), new Color(0xffd700), new Color(0xee82ee), Color.white
  195         });
  196         tableFear = (new Color[] {
  197             Color.gray, new Color(0x4169e1), new Color(0xc0c0c0), Color.red, new Color(0x800080), new Color(0xdc143), new Color(0xffd700), new Color(0xee82ee), Color.white
  198         });
  199         oneGen = Color.magenta;
  200         nextGen = Color.red;
  201     }
  203     private String love[] = {
  204         "love = true", "contagion == evolution", "her gentle slime envelops you", "evolving amoebic macros", "penetrating your essence", "sHe grafts to your code", "in viscous delirium", "crossing the singularity", "together foreva", "child of my blood",
  205         "perfect intercellular symbiosis"
  206     };
  207     private String fear[] = {
  208         "fear = false", "disease == life", "there is no future without her", "code necessitates decoding", "sHe lapps your cellular shoreline", "evading recognition", "slipping lipid envelopes inside u", "conjugating logical nodes", "her swarming consciousness", "transversing territory",
  209         "child of your blood"
  210     };
  211     private String oString;
  212     private int setting;
  213     private int mCount;
  214     private int lpaint;
  215     private int xWobble;
  216     private int yWobble;
  217     static int margin = 1;
  218     private boolean firstGen;
  219     private int cWidth;
  220     private int cHeight;
  221     private int cSize;
  222     private int cDensity;
  223     Thread lifeThread;
  224     Graphics offscreen;
  225     int stringWidth;
  226     int str_x;
  227     int str_y;
  228     int fontSize;
  229     Color pInk;
  230     MediaTracker tracker;
  231     Image image;
  232     Image image1;
  233     Color tableLove[];
  234     Color tableFear[];
  235     Color oneGen;
  236     Color nextGen;
  237     LifeMatrix world;
  239 }